C (53/301)

From:David Arbuthnot
Date:05 Jan 78 at 04:58:16
Subject:Re: AmiTCP SDK

From: David Arbuthnot <Spinal.NGA@Digital.Prestel.co.uk>

Hello Mike

On 04-Aug-99, you wrote:

> From: Mike Carter <mike.carter@bigfoot.com>
> Is the AmiTCP SDK v4 the same thing for developing apps
> to be used with Genesis and Miami? And is this the
> latest/last release?
> In the archive is a directory called 'netinclude/'
> where should this be copied? is it a seperate
> 'include:' thing?

AFAIK AmiTCP-SDK should allow you to create programs that use Genesis and
Miami (If it's AmiTCP compatible (I don't use it)). As for your includes
try the following (it works for me):

1. make an AmiTCP dir in one of your include dirs
2. copy AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/amitcp
to the AmiTCP dir you created above.

3. copy clib,devices,fd,inline(GCC needs this you should have to use it
unless you use GCC),libraries,proto,pragmas to the corresponding
dir in your shared includes dir (where your amiga includes
are kept)

4. copy the loose files (those in netinclude/ that are not in dirs) that
you don't have in your compiler specific dirs (and subdirs) to
your compiler specific dirs

5. do the sames as in step 4 with the netinclude/sys dir (you should have
an sys/ dir in your comiler specific dir i.e storm:include/sys/)

Dave Arbuthnot
Ever get some buggy code????

Then heres what u do: Kill em all let god sort em out

EMAIL: Spinal.NGA@Digital.Prestel.co.uk